25851 Big Pine Rd, Rockbridge, OH 43149
740-380-6372     [email protected]
4 miles from Old Man's Cave & 1 Mile from Conkle's Hollow


We have many trails to choose from. You can ride any where from a half hour up to 3 hours or more. We have listed the most popular trails.

You can choose from one of the trails listed below or any of our other trails. We can also customize one for you.
We also offer pony rides for the younger kids.


The Beginner Trails

The Wilderness Trail is for beginners. This is a total of an hour long ride. We will take you on a twenty five minute ride, then we will tie the horses off so that you can explore. You will encounter various rock formations including Table Top rock, you will also walk between 50 ft. high walls of solid rock, you will encounter caves and various other unique rock formations. We set aside ten minutes for you to explore, we then take twenty five minutes to get back to our ranch. For pictures of the rock formations just click on the pictures link and look under the heading The Outback Trail.

The Outback Trail is for beginners. This is a total of an hour long ride. You will encounter various rock formations including Table Top rock, which is a unique rock formation that looks like the top of a table on a long and slinder pedestal base. For pictures of the rock formations including Table Top Rock just click on the pictures link and look under the heading The Outback Trail.

The Airplane Rock Trail B is for beginning riders. It is a two hour long ride in which you will see some of the most beautiful scenery in the state. At the half way point we will stop at the natural wonder called Airplane rock. It gets its name from its shape as it jettisons out from the hill side. It looks like an airplane nose. We will tie off the horses so that you can take pictures and use the restroom. We will then head back to the ranch. Along the way you will see dazzling rock formations and beautiful nature scenes. If we are lucky we might even see some animals playing. For pictures of what you will see on this trail including Airplane Rock click on the pictures link and look under the heading The Airplane Rock Trail B.


The Intermediate Trails

The Buckeye Trail is for expert riders. It is a hour long ride. You will see towering trees, amazing rock formations, and caves. Its name is derived from this trail being part of the Buckeye Trail. You will pass between two 50 ft high walls of solid rock. It is one of the most unique sights in all of Ohio. To see pictures of this ride click on the link "Pictures" and then look under the heading The Buckeye Trail.

The Knee Knocker Trail is for Intermidiate riders. It is an hour long ride. On the ride will encounter what's called the Box Canyon. You will ride back into this canyon where we will have to turn around and back track because it dead ends into a solid rock formation. The solid rock formation is on all three sides, thus the reason for turning around and back tracking a little. You will also see some small caves and maybe even a trickling waterfall. For pictures of the cave and the box canyon just click on the pictures link and look under the heading The Knee Knocker Trail.

The Airplane Rock Trail can also be an intermediate trail.


The Expert Trails

Call for expert trails.